• Spectrum’s Reviews Management Tool integrates reviews with Google to improve your search results visibility.
  • On-site reviews and star ratings allow you to craft a strong reputation as an authority and increase click-through rates.
  • Legitimate reviews on your site build trust with your potential customers.
  • Research behind on-site reviews shows increased volume of organic traffic and leads.

You know reviews for your company are important to have, but do you know how to use them to grow your business and increase revenue?

We’re talking, of course, about your on-site reviews and making the most of them with Spectrum’s innovative Reviews Management Tool. Using the software and services you already have as our valued customer, you can improve your Google search results ranking, increase your click-through rates and create stronger credibility for your company.

After all, an amazing 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations when they’re considering products or services and 85% say they read up to 10 reviews before making a final purchasing decision. That’s a lot of influence from a few, short blurbs on your website.

It’s more important than ever to leverage your positive reviews to attract more customers. Luckily, that’s easy for you as a Spectrum customer.

How Our Tools Work To Improve Your Ranking, Clicks & Reputation

Spectrum’s Reviews Management Tool is the only one of its kind. We offer the unique capability to automatically integrate your reviews with search engines like Google. This means that your reviews and star ratings appear with listings in Google search results for any of your website’s interior pages in a keyword search, which makes your business appear more trustworthy. There are some cases in which Google’s algorithm does not allow for stars to appear (previous site issues, elements that need manual changes, etc.) but in general, the more favorable reviews and aggregated star ratings you have, the more likely a consumer will consider using your company. These attention-grabbing stars add prominence and visibility to your listing so you don’t miss out on any valuable leads.

Another benefit is that unlike third-party review sites, Spectrum’s innovative Reviews Management Tool wraps your company’s reviews around the organic content on your website, which is a powerful, effective way to improve your aggregated rating in Google search results. It has been proven that using our unique tool to add stars and reviews to your listing improves your ranking and therefore increases your click-through rates.

Here's the Proof

We recently conducted a study with some of our clients and found that displaying more reviews in organic search generated 35% more organic traffic to clients’ websites and 37% better visibility scores.

We also found they received 49% more organic leads than over the same time period than the year before. Aggregated online reviews allowed the clients in our study to harness significantly more customers than they would have without them.

And the best part is that you already have the resources to do this! Talk to your account manager today for more information about making Spectrum’s Reviews Management Tool work for you.