When it comes to home shows, it’s a buyer’s market. There are hundreds of companies with products and services just like yours, all vying for attention. So, how do you ensure potential customers are choosing your business? We’ve outlined our four-step process so you can connect with attendees the ri...

Using video in your marketing strategy does more than just build your brand—it truly drives results. From increased conversion rates on quote forms to more closed sales, video has the power to improve your entire sales process. We’ve put together three examples of home service industry leaders...

Google is changing the way that home improvement businesses establish trust. Their new lead generation program, Google Home Services, features select contractors at the top of search results with a little green “Google guaranteed” checkmark. This badge promises consumers a trustworthy list of provid...

Growing a business’s customer base comes down to two things: attracting more leads and doing a better job of closing those leads. To successfully do both of these things, you need to understand the buyer’s process and how it relates to your business. We’ve broken down each stage of the buying proces...

As a contractor, you know the importance of social media as a revenue generator for your business. With over 2 billion monthly active users on Facebook, the potential to gain new business is overwhelming. While the potential leads are numerous, they tend to be softer leads (aka people that aren’t as...

We hear it all the time: the digital age is here, and it’s evolving faster than most industries can keep up with. It’s an idea that creates a lot of excitement because of the many ways content can be shared and supported across multiple platforms. This expanding digital marketplace, however, also ca...

Promotions are an effective way to generate interest in your business, but if they aren’t done right, they can have a negative effect on your ability to generate leads. We’ve covered effective promotion types in a past post, but now we’re taking you through some common issues we see in home service...

Your business probably has a quote form that allows people to contact you through your website. But is your form actually capturing all of those hot leads you want it to capture? We have a feeling the answer might be no. If you haven’t looked at your quote form in a while, ask yourself these three...

As a business in the home services industry, tailoring your ad elements to best fit both Google’s algorithms and your audience's needs will drive your business the best results and the most leads. Before you start siphoning your money into ads, though, you should understand what elements make u...

In home service industries, we tend to focus on the importance of the in-person meeting, not realizing that phone success is critical to nurturing leads on the path to choosing you for their home project. This means having a well-trained call center staff can make a huge impact on your business’s bo...

About Spectrum

Spectrum helps home service businesses grow with digital lead generation and sales software built for your industry.As a Google Premier Partner ranking in the top 1%, Google rates us as one of the best agencies in the world in performance and customer care. Rely on Spectrum’s innovative software and marketing services to grow your business and bottom line, guaranteed!

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