Blog: April 2018
If you ask the average home service professional if they are advertising on YouTube, most would say “no.” And we think it’s time to change that! YouTube advertising offers huge opportunities for contractors, service technicians, and remodelers. Let’s break down how YouTube ads will help you dri...
During certain points of the year, “too many leads” sounds like a dream come true. But when you’re actually faced with the situation, we all know it isn’t pleasant. You’ve spent all of this money on marketing, and now your hard-earned leads are overwhelming your business, leaving potential revenue s...
Here’s a nightmare situation we know many home service companies have faced: you’ve spent thousands of dollars on acquiring new business. Your marketing efforts are pulling in leads, and you have the systems in place to keep projects organized. But there’s one major thing missing—the talent to...
Game of Thrones, Billions, The Office— you’ve seen them all before and more and more similar binge-worthy programs seem to be airing online these days. Even shows like The Office that originally aired on traditional TV platforms, are being consumed mainly online. In fact, since 2012 TV viewers...
In a recent collaboration between NARI and the National Association of Realtors, 2,000 homeowners who recently completed a home remodeling project were surveyed for their satisfaction with the project. Some of your dealers may be wary of their previous customers, making them reluctant to ask fo...
You’re a home service business trekking down a new path. Maybe you’re a window remodeler expanding into siding. Or an electrician that’s diving into installing home automation systems. Or maybe you’re just offering a slight variation on your standard set of services. Whatever the situation is, there...
Picture this—you’re swamped at the office, working to ensure that all your queued-up production is in order, when you get a call…an angry customer calling to cancel the sale you’ve already put in hard earned dollars to close. The customer is frantic and telling you they can’t continue w...
Spring offers many opportunities for your home service business to start fresh. Maybe your office is tidying up or you’re taking a deep dive into your financial standings—but one place you might be overlooking is your overall digital health. When we say digital health, we’re talking about ho...
Like most home professionals, a sizable portion of your lead generation comes in the beginning of the year from working the floors at home shows. Now that home show season is wrapping up, you may be wondering where you should turn for your next lead source. Instead of finding a new source of leads,...