that phone success is critical to nurturing leads on the path to choosing you for their home project. This means having a well-trained call center staff can make a huge impact on your business’s bottom line.

You want your phone representatives to have a consistent, customer-service-focused plan for responding to any inquiries, but what’s the best method to train them?

Listening to recordings of past calls is a great way to identify what’s working for your business and analyze missed opportunities. Here’s how to use these recordings to train your call center staff to sharpen their skills and master any inquiry:

Listen to past phone calls as a team and…

  1. Identify what went well. Was it the personal connection your rep made? Their knowledge of the product? Have your team identify what went well and use that to set the standard.
  2. What could have gone differently? Was it the way the rep asked for customer information? Could they have approached product information differently? Set your strategy. If your company’s sales approach is education-based as opposed to a straight sell, make it known and adopt that strategy as a team.
  3. Throw in a new scenario. It’s important to see how your team responds when handling a wide variety of calls. Phone reps should have a general script to follow, but they need to be prepared to adapt the script to connect with a caller on a personal level. Listen to calls and practice different scenarios as a team. It’s better they make mistakes with you than on a call with a potential customer.
  4. Establish a ritual. Discuss how the call ended and establish a ritual for what comes next. Should your team send a follow-up email? What about a calendar invite for the in-person consultation? Whatever process you’d like to establish, do it while you’re training as a team. Keep your leads organized so you don’t lose out on jobs because of carelessness.

The easiest way to record calls is to have software that does this for you. Spectrum's sales automation software has this feature, allowing you to coach and mentor your team to handle any scenario.