You’re already generating leads by working with Spectrum, but we wanted to take it a step further. Instead of just capturing leads, we want to provide insight behind the leads, so you can better understand who you’re selling to before you walk into your consultation. 

Spectrum is excited to announce our new software tool, Ecosystem Lead IQ. Lead IQ generates a predictive lead score and comprehensive lead profiles for your business to increase the total number of conversions, the average conversion value, and decrease cancellations.

How it Works

Using predictive data analytics and our proprietary machine learning algorithms, our tool will deliver a complete customer profile to help you prioritize your leads and personalize your sales strategy. From providing household information like home price, marital status, and political affiliations, to assessing a lead’s credit risk, this tool analyzes and determines a lead’s value, so you don’t have to. By scoring your lead on a scale of 1-5, our tool ranks a consumer’s likelihood to need or want your product, plus their ability to pay for it—giving you the deepest understanding of who is interested in your services, and how you can sell to them. Best of all, this information is integrated with your Spectrum software and found right in your Contact Manager.

What this does for your business

Spectrum’s tool uses data so you can understand your customers and sell smarter. Here’s what you can do with that increased understanding:

  1. Recommend the Right Credit: Our credit recommendation data gives your sales team the power to know what financing products to recommend to customers before the consultation. No more promising consultations and exciting sales that fall apart during the credit approval process.
  2. Manage Leads More Effectively: When you’re stretched thin, you should be prioritizing leads by their ability to convert into paying customers. With Lead IQ, your leads are ranked by their likelihood to convert, so you can decide which appointments to set up first, while matching leads to the right sales representative.
  3. Avoid One-Leggers: When you understand more about who the household decision makers are, your team can determine when it’s best to set up a consultation, effectively avoiding one-leggers.
  4. Personalize Your Sales Pitch: Your sales rep can use our lead profiles to create a more informed sales consultation, leading to better pitches and increased conversion rates! 

Start Selling Smarter

As a Spectrum partner, your digital marketing strategy already pulls in valuable leads, but the future of the home service industry lies not just in getting leads, but also in understanding consumers on a deeper level. Our software tool allows you to see the data behind the leads, giving you the power to manage your customers and sell smarter. Talk to your account manager today for more information about how you can add this tool to transform your sales strategy.