There’s a famous phrase in sales, that “buyers are liars.” If you ask your customers why they buy from you, they will create a logical reason, but that will not be the true reason they chose to do business with you.

Your marketing works the same way. If you ask your customer “where did you hear about us?”, they will tell you a logical-sounding source. The only problem is, that your customer is only about 30% accurate at identifying where they heard about you!

The good news is that you can create a technical system to accurately track where your sales are coming from. This will be key to managing your marketing and maintaining a great ROI.

Ready to start accurately measuring your marketing and growing your business? Download our Lead Tracking Guide to the right to get started!

Here are the questions you should ask for each lead source – questions you will be able to answer once you are accurately tracking your leads!


Questions to ask:

Do my print offers perform differently in different publications?”

The answer is likely yes. When you measure, you can cut your low performers and invest more in your best publications.

“Do my customers still read the Yellow Pages or similar directories?”

Every time we have measured this, the answer is a resounding NO! We frequently see zero leads per month.


Questions to ask:

“Is my digital marketing company doing what they say they are doing?”

Lead tracking gives you irrefutable, bottom-line evidence of how well each marketing channel is performing. 

Ask your digital team to put a different phone number on your website if your customer visits you from a Google search, from a TV ad, from a print ad, or from other websites like Angie’s List or HomeAdvisor.

That is the most accurate way to gauge your ROI!

“How much is my cost-per-lead?”

Have a look at how much you are investing versus how many sales you are generating for each source. Accurate cost-per-lead tracking is so important, we set it up by default for our customers.

We've had partners whose previous marketing companies operated at a $400-$500 cost-per-lead where Spectrum could generate a $50 cost-per-lead. By measuring, you can keep your vendors honest!

Television & Radio

Questions to ask:

“Who has seen my television ad, but then Googled me afterwards?”

TV and radio are classic examples of tough marketing to track. You CAN track your performance, though, if you’re smart about it! 

Have a look at days where you ran TV ads versus days where you didn’t. Measure the additional leads you generated those days. The most likely source for those leads are the additional TV ads!

Ready to start asking the right questions, and finding the answers you need to grow your business? Download our Lead Tracking Guide below for a step-by-step guide on how to make it happen!

Tracking Your Leads

If all of this sounds awfully complicated, that’s because it is. Running a highly efficient marketing campaign requires you to have the expertise and the tools to track every lead source.

Rather than setting it all up yourself, you might prefer to have experts take care of it. That's where Spectrum comes in! All of our websites include the lead tracking and phone call recording software you need to accurately measure how your marketing is performing. 

Give us a call or request an analysis below, and we will help you take the guesswork out of growing your business!