The biggest news this decade is sitting right in your pocket. Smartphones are the elephant in the room for major tech developments that will radically change your business. They’ve changed the way we communicate, the way we research companies, and what we expect from people we do business with.

The opportunity to grow is huge – but many companies don’t have policies to take advantage of the change!

Text messages are the easiest win for your business, integrating across many processes that can boost your overall revenue. After all, emails can be lost in translation. Text messages are universal.

97% of Americans report that they text daily, and 98% of sent text messages are opened and read by the recipient.

How can your home improvement company take advantage? Here are your top 3 easy wins.

More Appointments:

In 2017, your customer probably doesn’t expect you to call and confirm your appointment. You should run even unconfirmed appointments, and simply send a text message stating that you’re on your way.

Keep an eye on your sit rate after implementing this policy, and watch as it rises with this simple application of new technology. Running unconfirmed appointments and closing that new business can make a huge improvement to your sales figures.

Looking to book more appointments? Download our Phone Conversion Optimization guide to turn more of your phone calls into sit-down meetings for your sales team!

Real-Time Updates:

With your sales team running three or four calls a day, it is inevitable that they will sometimes be late to appointments. Do your best to avoid it, but have a plan for when it happens.

The GPS on your phone gives you an accurate, real-time estimate of when you will arrive at your client’s address. Text that ETA to the client, with a sincere apology if you’re running late, and that should take the sting out of arriving a few minutes late.

Careful! If you recommend that your sales team send text messages, be sure to emphasize to NOT send texts while driving. Including this in your employee handbook is a good idea.

After all, you don’t want this guy driving your branded truck.

Winning Reviews: 

Have you ever had a customer ask you how to leave a review? That happens a lot, particularly for less tech-savvy home owners. Help them out by texting them a link to your preferred review website. This will rapidly increase your number of reviews, and your customers are most likely to leave a positive review while they are sitting with your team.

It really helps if the review website doesn’t require an additional login, since logging in can take extra time on a smartphone. Most smartphone users (about 81%) are already logged into Google, so Google My Business reviews are a great choice, as is leaving a review on your own website.

There you have it! Three fast wins to take advantage of the ENORMOUS shift towards mobile phones. Are you looking for more ways to grow your business on the phone? Download our phone conversion strategy guide below – it is packed with useful tools to grow your business with proven scripting!