Here at Spectrum, we are always looking for new ways to drive your business forward. One of the classic lead generation sources for remodelers is the contest entry – where you offer an entry into a contest for free services as a conversation-starter for home owners. This has been a tried-and-true staple at home shows for years.

Anyone can give away your services for free. Your success and bottom-line revenue from contests is determined by how well targeted your contest entrants are! At Spectrum, we use data from hundreds of thousands of past remodeling buyers to generate leads for you with a targeted program.

Here is an example of your contest entry form, optimized for the best ROI!

One great new opportunity for growth is in social advertising, where you can put your message in front of exactly the right audience to drive conversions.

Deep Data, More Sales

We put your message in front of customers with the ideal:

  • Location
  • Home ownership status (we completely exclude renters, among other key points)
  • Income (more is not always better, we measure the sweet spot for your brand!)
  • Interests
  • Demographics
  • Financial standing (to maximize your financing approval rate)

After all, a contest entry isn’t worth anything to you if it doesn’t have a solid chance of converting into an appointment and a closed sale.

As with all of your Spectrum services, results are tracked directly through your website, and monitored by your account manager. Our turn-key lead generation options could not be easier to integrate into your business, with one point of contact so that you are always in-the-know.

24/7 access - see all of your leads, all in one place, so you always know your ROI.

Are you running contests? Are you looking for an innovative way to generate more leads and better leads through your contest process? Let’s have a conversation! Simply reach out to your Spectrum account manager, and we will get you started.