Like your day-to-day routine, your home service company’s blog needs structure. Having a schedule of when blog content should be published is essential for boosting your visibility on Google and attracting qualified leads. As an example, here’s a study we did on the correlation of traffic generation and blog post frequency for one of our Spectrum clients:

Over seven weeks, the company posted seven blog articles and increased its traffic by almost 300 weekly visitors. Because Google loves content-rich authority sites that frequently give it fresh pages to crawl, this client started ranking higher for target keywords and retained more visitors as a result. To make this happen for your business’s website, you must consistently update your blog with quality content. The easiest way to do this is by creating and strictly following an editorial calendar. Here’s how you can get started:

Establish Post Days

First and foremost, you’ll need to establish which day(s) of the week you’ll post. For the best results, it’s crucial to know which days and times see the highest activity. Through our own research, we’ve found it’s most beneficial to post blog articles on Tuesday or Thursday between 11am and 2pm. This will give you an idea of when content needs to be completed.

Focus on Different Keywords Each Month

In addition to consistency, you also need to focus your content around different keywords each month. The easiest way to do this is by targeting one phrase and creating articles that feature variations of it. For example, if you pick “Chicago home services company” as your keyword for November, your topics and articles should include variations of this phrase such as “home services companies in Chicago.” Doing so will:

  • Rank you higher for desired keywords
  • Solidify your authority over these keywords
  • Generate more traffic for your website by increasing search engine visibility

Don’t Just Plan; Do!

Now that your editorial calendar is set, you must strictly follow it. Set hard deadlines on when drafts should be completed and when articles need to be finalized. Once you get into a flow, prepare to see your Google visibility and website traffic spike!

To learn more, download our eBook on how you can make your blog your most powerful marketing tool. It will provide you with a comprehensive step by step plan to turn your blog into a lead generation machine!