New-age technology has ushered in a brand new way to connect with customers all over the world.

Gone are the days of cold calling and mass mailings. No longer do you need to wait for reports detailing the performance of your marketing efforts.

Today – right now – you need to create social media profiles on all of the major platforms in order to connect with your ever-changing customer demographic. Since the way people gather their information is changing more and more every day, you need to stay on top of the latest trends. This goes for product driven companies as well as service providers.

Below you’ll find 20 tips and tricks to help you start turning a profit through your social media efforts.

Let’s jump in:


The only social media website with 1 billion active users worldwide:

  • Tools such as Facebook Ads and Promote-a-Post now allow you to reach your customer base with ads that are more tailored and, therefore, more effective. Targeting your direct service area or demographic with specific messages will yield the best conversions.
  • Posts between 100-120 characters tend to receive the most responses.
  • Add Photos! Posts with pictures almost always get more action than those without.
  • Link back to what you want your customers to do (e.g., to a product or service page).


One of the fastest moving social media sites, where topics can go from “Hot” to “Not” in a blink:

  • Recent studies show that within the first 18 minutes of tweeting, your message will receive the most virility it’s likely to get. This means your tweets need to be clear, concise, and targeted.
  • Don’t waste time posting general content that won’t drive users.
  • Focus on unique content that makes you stand out.
  • Less tweets with more action is better than lots of tweets with less engagement.

Google Plus

A Google-integrated platform that’s based around popular unique content:

  • Google+ allows for larger images to be posted – take advantage of this. This will take up more space on other people’s feeds.
  • Google+ will reward those using high-resolution photos and videos in posts by pinning those post higher up on someone’s feed and leaving them there longer.
  • Gif’s allow for a creative eye catching post that drive more interactions. This can even be done with a multi-shot view.
  • A study done by Quintly shows that Google+ users respond the best to posts with 156 characters. Think about this when it comes to your own campaign.


A great asset for service-based, business-to-business companies:

  • LinkedIn is the king of networking.
  • Posting once a week will make interactions with your page and account 10X more likely.
  • Using photos is a simple and effective way to take up more newsfeed real estate.
  • InMail offers the opportunity to reach out to those you are not connected to. (The platform has 300+ million active professional users.)
  • Connect with lost friends and colleagues to grow your business through contacts you already had but never knew about.


A newer social media platform being taken over by businesses that seek to monetize their actions.

  • Using Rich Pins is a great way to add additional information to your posts.
  • Taller images take up more real estate within Pinterest and get more re-pins.
  • Animated Gifs of your products or services are a new great way to grab attention within the feed.

These tips are just a jumping off point. Every company and industry is different. Test different methods overtime and be sure to keep track of results to be sure of what works, and what does not. Social media is a great way to drive more leads for your business, but you will need to find what works for your company specifically.

For more information on how to utilize social media to develop more business, contact Spectrum today!