According to the Harvard Business Review , companies that respond to their online leads in less than an hour are 7x more likely to “qualify” the lead . In other words, if you respond to a quote request, phone call, email – what have you – within 60 minutes, it’s far more likely you’ll convert that lead.

Quick responses, however, rarely occur.

In fact, of the more than 2000 U.S. companies that were audited in the study,  Harvard Business Review found that:

Only 37% responded to their lead within an hour


  • 16% responded within 1-24 hours,
  • 24% responded in more than 24 hours, and
  • 23% (get this) didn't respond at all.

It’s important to remember that a good response is a fast response. Contacting people while they’re still actively thinking and considering your service means you’re selling prospects at the peak of their interest and resceptiveness. 

Ask your SEO about Spectrum’s LEAD-2-TEXT service, which alerts business owners, managers, and/or sales associates when a quote request has been submitted. LEAD-2-TEXT allows companies to respond to inquiries almost immediately. In many cases, prospects are still on the website, which is exactly where you want them if you’re trying to maximize your conversion rate.