Advertising on YouTube is becoming an increasingly important avenue for home service businesses to capture and convert leads. Not only does it increase lead quality, but it also does so at an effective cost.

If you want to get the most out of your YouTube ad spend, though, you have to tie your strategy to specific goals. Are you looking for more leads? Better site conversions? Continued engagement? Ad setup and type will change based on the end goal!

Here we lay out three major home service business goals and how you can use YouTube ads to drive those results.

Jump into YouTube advertising with our quick-start guide for home service businesses. Download it below!

GOAL 1: Find New Leads

If your primary goal is lead generation, YouTube is a great place to start building up new lists of potential customers. Here’s a simple breakdown of the list building process:

  1. A YouTube user views your video ad
  2. Google captures that user’s info
  3. You can retarget the user across other Google platforms like search and display ads

YouTube cost-per-view ad prices are fairly low, so this form of list building can effectively build up a large amount of people without being crazy expensive! Before you go showing your ad to everyone, though, keep in mind that you want your list to be full of qualified leads.

To gather a quality list, you want to use YouTube’s specific targeting techniques. Show your video ads on topics that relate to the home services industry, allowing you to capture users that are more likely to fit your ideal lead.

Want to learn more about the different YouTube targeting options? Download our YouTube quick-start guide!

GOAL 2: Increase Conversions on Your Site

When a visitor comes to your site, they ideally fill out a quote form or call your business. But here’s the thing—people often don’t convert after just one visit. They get distracted, they leave to do further research, or they just plain decide to think about the decision later.

This means you have to drive these people back. And when you want to do this in a cost-effective matter, YouTube can be a great option. Not only is a cost-per-view ad cheaper than other forms of advertising, but it also gives you the opportunity to showcase engaging video content that proves why your home service business is the one to choose.

To target site visitors, you need to set up a remarketing campaign through Google AdWords! Here’s the basic process:

  1. Set up an AdWords remarketing tag on your website
  2. Create a remarketing list for website visitors
  3. Set up the remarketing campaign using the video option
  4. Set up the ad (our guide goes through the basics of setting up your YouTube ad!)
  5. Tie the campaign to the remarketing list you created

You might already be retargeting through other display channels, but remarketing through YouTube is a nice way to truly show homeowners that your business will benefit their needs. Now when they visit your site again, they’ll be more likely to request a quote or service!

GOAL 3: Improve Your Appointment Set to Issued Rate

Every home service company has faced this issue—you get a homeowner to book an appointment, but before you issue the appointment and get into the home, they cancel. If this is a particular struggle for your business, YouTube ads can help keep your leads engaged. Similar to remarketing to people after they visit your site, you can remarket to people after they take a particular action on your site—like filling out a quote form or visiting a contact page.

When remarketing to people that have already completed an action on your site, the message of your video ads should focus on establishing trust. You want the homeowner to feel confident in their decision to bring you into their home. Because remember—the more homes you get into, the higher your revenue will be!

Get started with YouTube advertising by downloading our quick-start YouTube guide!