Remodeling Magazine just released their 2017 Cost VS Value Report. This is an in-depth look at the return on investment for a huge variety of home improvement projects nationwide and in your area. With this sort of data, your sales team can make a concrete argument to the consumer – after all, your most aggressive competitor is not another remodeling company, it’s the consumer deciding against the remodel!

Here are some of the highlights in our area:

Replacement Entry Doors – on average, 105% ROI. A fine fact to mention in sales demonstrations!

Siding & Stone Veneer – 104% ROI on this upsell. Your homeowner may only want basic vinyl siding, but the curb appeal of a manufactured stone veneer more than pays for itself.

Vinyl Replacement Windows – 71% of the cost of the project added to your home value. Between that and the lower monthly utility bills, replacement windows pay for themselves.

All data from Remodeling’s 2017 Cost VS Value Report at

We saw new stone veneer technology at IBS this year, and it's easy to see why it's popular!

These are all outstanding facts to add to your sales lyrics. Return-on-Investment is one way to pitch the value of your services, in addition to all the emotional factors you ordinarily sell to. Not only will your customer be happier, safer, and more comfortable after doing business with you, but their home value will rise, too. 

With the right facts and information, your sales team will go in with all the tools they need to close the deal and grow your business. Looking for more great information to improve your sales performance? Download our Sales Strategy Guide below for the advanced techniques!