There were thousands of decisions that went into your website:

Which pictures did your company choose to use?

Which features did the writers focus the most on?

Which products/services did you list first on the home page?

Here’s an example of a common decision: Your designer has 3 different photos they could use. Which picture do you think is most likely to convince prospects to request a quote?

Only about 40% of people correctly guessed the most effective photo*.

Fortunately, you don’t have to guess. With Split Testing, we can show each version of the page to thousands of visitors and then measure which version generates the most quote requests, email signups, sales, or virtually any other metric.

Benefits of Split Testing

  • It takes the guesswork out of what will work.
  • It doesn’t inconvenience your readers.
  • As soon as you know a version is less effective, you can discontinue it quickly.
  • It’s very cost-effective, sometimes incredibly so. For example, our most successful test only took a few hours and increased the client’s annual revenues by $500,000.

*Version B won the test. The average person viewing Version B was 40% more likely to request a quote than the average person viewing Version A and 10% more likely than the average person viewing Version C.

What’s one thing about your website you’re not very confident about?

What alternative would you like to test?

Want to learn more about Split Testing and Internet Marketing? Schedule a conversation with Spectrum HERE!